General Dentistry

Routine Cleanings

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is the simplest way to prevent the majority of dental problems. Proper brushing and flossing techniques and regular dental check-ups are the most common and effective methods in caring for your teeth. During your check-up, our hygienists will thoroughly clean all surfaces of your teeth and remove plaque, tartar and stains. Plaque is a yellow, sticky film that forms on the teeth and gums. The bacteria in plaque corrode the enamel, leading to tooth decay. Regular check-ups allow our hygienists to remove unhealthy bacteria from your teeth before it causes any damage.

Our hygienists may also take dental x-rays to diagnose any underlying dental issues that may cause future problems. These detailed x-rays allow Dr. Rozenberg to check the health of the tooth root and bone surrounding the tooth, as well as monitor the general health of your teeth and jawbone.

Aesthetic Fillings

White fillings are highly aesthetic dental fillings made of tooth colored materials and are used to treat mild tooth decays and medium-seized cavities. Aesthetic fillings solidify under light and are immediately loadable.
Inlays are indirect restorations (fillings) consisting of a solid substance (as gold, advanced ceramics, porcelain, or even a type of composite resin) fitted to a cavity in a tooth and cemented into place. Onlays extend to replace a cusp. Inlays and onlays are constructed in our dental laboratory after an impression is taken of the teeth. While the restoration is custom-made for the patient, a temporary inlay or onlay is fabricated. When the permanent restorations are complete, the temporary ones are removed and the final inlays or onlays are cemented into place with a special glue.


Porcelain dental crowns and tooth bonding can be used to partially or fully cover chipped, discolored, gapped or otherwise damaged teeth. Depending on the specific dental issues being addressed, porcelain tooth crowns and bonding can be used separately or in combination to cosmetically correct any aesthetically displeasing tooth and give you a beautiful smile.